BCD Audio has launched a pair of totally new microphone amplifiers BCD ALT-2R and BCD ALT-2S to take the place of their very successful series of ALT-1 amps dating from 1993

UK audio design and manufacturing company BCD Audio has launched a pair of totally new microphone amplifiers BCD ALT-2R and BCD ALT-2S to take the place of their very successful series of ALT-1 amps dating from 1993.

The new ALT-2R is intended for use in voice-over booths, unattended studios, direct to camera installations, emergency studio microphone points, and talkback.

The new ALT-2S is intended to be used in Journalist news rooms.

The original BCD ALT-1 was designed when the BBC was looking for a very simple mic amp for radio journalism. Over time, variants were introduced and over 4,000 units have now been sold, many of which are still in use.

BCD Audio’s Managing Director and Designer Mike Law said: “This has been a great and popular product for us, but there comes a time when there has to be a total re-design to take into account new components and improved technologies.

“Advances in micro-controllers with built in converters meant that most of the metering and the compressor limiter could be achieved in software, but the output side VCA was retained. “Care was taken to ensure that the operation and ‘feel’ of the unit was similar to the original units, and to incorporate most of the custom variants that had been requested over the 20 years of manufacture.”

The ALT-1 and ALT-1R are replaced by the BCD ALT-2R.

The new unit retains the balanced XLR input and outputs, and has a similar front panel.

A 9way D connector provides the remote TAKE and COUGH, unbalanced output and power outlet.

Two pins can be customised at the factory, so user requirements can be accommodated.

One use for the 9 way D-type connector is to power BCD Audio’s mono headphones amplifier HPNS-M, which is often used on a 2U panel to complete a ‘Direct to Camera’ news system.

The HPNS-M is powered from the ALT, has balanced line level input , level control and headphones jack sockets.

The new ALT-2S uses the same case design as the ALT-1 and adds the stereo balanced XLR input to mini-jack for PC type loudspeakers.

BCD Audio has an on-line web shop where these new mic amps can be ordered and purchased along with all the existing standard products from BCD Audio.

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